Canadian Lyndsay


by on Dec.06, 2006, under z-Old Posts

Well Vegas was a ton of fun, but I was sooo ready to come home by the end of the week. Taking the red eye was definately an experience. I didn’t sleep on the plane, except for maybe 30 minutes, and I think it was 6:30 Winnipeg time by time I finally fell asleep. Then it took a good week to get back into my normal routine.

Things with work are going well, very positive which makes me very excited. I might even get to take a work-related trip to Calgary soon. Will post more on that when I know more.

My car finally sold. We found a buyer (I guess technically, the buyer found us) sometime in the beginning of November. They gave a deposit and promised the rest at the end of the month. Well, it’s now well into December, and I think we’re about to finalize things. The ownership has been signed and is en route to St. Catharines right now. Hopefully it’ll all be done by the end of the week.

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