Spring Cleaning
by CanadianLyndsay on Apr.02, 2006, under z-Old Posts
I really felt the lost hour this morning. We forgot to set the clocks before we went to bed, so while I was happy to see that I woke up at 9:30 a.m., I quickly realized it was actually 10:30 a.m. and that’s pushing sleeping in a bit late.
Yesterday we had a busy day. We went out (that alone is new for us) pretty much all day. First, I had to stop at work to make a couple corrects on the web site that couldn’t wait until Monday (damn them not giving us FTP access from home). Then we were going to the Winnipeg Art Gallery downtown for the 2005 Cannes Lions. By time we got to the art gallery, it was 1:20 (the show started at 2:00) and they were sold out. That sucks! Oh well, they’ll do an encore in October. Still, that’s 6 months away.
Since we were downtown anyway, we went to the World of Wheels car show at the Winnipeg Convention Centre. That, well, bit. Only two Mustangs, neither of which were all that nice. No surprise, we saw Dave’s Uncle Wayne and his fiance Debbie. They’re big Covette people – a Mustang lover’s enemy, but that’s okay.
After that, it was off to St. Vital mall where we caught a matinee of Ice Age 2. Not bad! I enjoyed it. Could have done without the 200 misbehaving children though. I guess it’s to be expected at a kids movie.
When the movie was done, we debating eating out for supper, and decided on Pizza Hut – but we’d have it at home – much more fun that way. So we stopped at Pizza Hut, ordered a couple pizzas for delivery (yes we live two blocks from the Pizza Hut – but in my defense, we were tired and just wanted to go home). So we got home, settled on the couch with our pizza and Superman III!! I love Superman. Can’t wait until Superman Returns. Woohoo!!
I made it until about 10:00… late for me… Dave followed not too much later which is early for me.
So today was all about sitting around. We watched about 6 hours worth of Lost DVDs. Then Dave gets ambitions… lets clean up? What? Why? It’s Sunday evening!
We did a pretty good cleanup. I won’t be around next weekend, and his mom is visiting for Easter, so this was our last weekend to clean up properly together. We opened up the doors to the porch, some of the windows at let the warm weather in. Yes, okay, we hit a high of 6 today – so I know that might not be as warm for you Ontario people, but damn it, that’s nice and warm in Winnipeg!!
Hanging out now, waiting for Desperate Housewives… don’t even know if it’s a new one or not. We’ll see!